CTC works with very vibrant youth groups comprising of various communities from around Maai- Mahiu area. Our role is to bridge the generation gap in endeavor of promoting sustainable development. Our main aim is to empower youth to be responsible in the community and enlighten them in developing, nurturing and promoting their talents and also discussing issues affecting our society/ community.


1. To have a friendly environment where young people can express themselves freely.

2. To have a community where boys and girls have equal opportunity to access information, education and health

3. To nuture and expose the talents of young people.

4. To have a community where young people are responsible for their health.

5. To promote education among young people in the community

Monday, June 20, 2011


This was a D-day for the youth without the football talent where the youth were able to come together and share their different talents and expose them from music, dance, poetry and cat walk. Also the director was able to talk with youth as their forum with him on issue affecting youths and their way forward.


This is the reason for us to take part in aspire football dreams to try on our dream. Our players went and exposed off their talent and moved the whole lot of fans. we have already crawled and stood and now we are walking making our next step to running in football and finally fly! And play a quality football.

Friday, May 6, 2011

soccer training session

ctc youth soccer training session has been going on every day evening starting at 3pm to 6.30,the soccer training has three mai pillars, that is 1 training 2 peer training &learning, 3 mentorship.this month soccer team had nice session of mentorship that was conducted by a proffessional player who played in Asia Nepal

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Friday, December 17, 2010

Youth Training completed!

Last week, CTC Youth Empowerment Programs held a week of training for the youth. The youth explored topics such as leadership, teamwork, peer pressure, and values. The training materials were based on materials donated by the Youth Skills program, training completed by our new partner, the BASE Leadership Program. Check back in the new year for more from BASE... for now, hear more about the training from the Kenyan youth themselves!

Thursday, October 21, 2010


Am terry ,a member in youth group .i like counseling youth.my hobbies are swimming,reading novels,playing football     .

Friday, September 17, 2010

Hi from Catching the Spirit!

Yay Ubuntu! Have a great day guys, we'll be thinking about you... and be in touch soon!